The White Rabbit

Acrylic on Canvas

The flowers symbolize different facets of love and passion. The rabbit brings luck and agility. I wanted to show how the snow and ice sparkle like stars in the sky and the prisms of ice crystals in the snowy fields. Being able to stare this deathly cold in the face and see a heavenly wonderland is a gift that not many have, yet it is often the lifeblood of those who have it. A unique feeling of freedom accompanies the board we strap to our feet, a sense of invincibility and humility. No one comes out unscathed, but is that not part of the beauty?

I have never felt the flow like I have snowboarding. Never have I trusted the universe like when I’m weaving in and out of trees, some separated by barely the width of my snowboard. Pushing the limits of control in a way that if I lose it for a moment, disaster will strike. It’s a love unlike any other. The adrenaline makes me feel a way I wish painting could. Anyone who understands the feeling of pushing the body's boundaries in extreme sports understands this flow and sense of limitless freedom.